About Us

The Cadet Forces is a non-profit organisation for the youth of New Zealand in a partnership with the New Zealand Defence Force and locally appointed community organisations. 

TS Waikato a member unit of the cadet forces (previously known as TS Rangiriri) inherits it’s name from the HMNZS Waikato a ship that used to serve as a Frigate within the Royal New Zealand Navy.

Credit Royal New Zealand Navy Museum

Located in Hamilton-Kirikiriroa we have a proud history of supporting local youth to learn and apply skills they would not necessarily be exposed to in school such as formal Leadership Training and Instructional Techniques.

Our aim is to instill leadership and honourable values in our youth to develop and enable self-disciplined, confident and responsible young New Zealanders, who are armed with skill sets that will last them a lifetime. Cadets have the opportunity to take part in unique adventurous, fulfilling and educational activities in a military-like environment. Through these activities, cadets get the chance to develop a sense of purpose, responsibility, self-confidence, self-respect, self-discipline, self-reliance, leadership ability, and commitment to voluntary service.

Many former cadets comment that the cadet experience helped to develop them as an individual, achieve personal growth, leadership qualities and provide them with a sense of community service.